Coding Club

Coding Club Activity Welcome to our Coding Club, where passionate developers gather to explore the realms of programming through the languages of C and Python. Whether you’re a seasoned coder or just starting your journey, our club offers a supportive community and engaging activities to enhance your skills. From mastering the fundamentals to delving into…

Social Media Club

Social Media Club Activity The university social media club enhances campus connectivity by managing engaging online content, promoting events, and fostering a sense of community. Responsibilities include creating inclusive digital spaces, collaborating with campus groups, adhering to university guidelines, and evaluating the impact of social media initiatives to enhance student engagement and communication.   Vision…

Management Club

Management Club Activity The Management Club facilitates professional development through workshops, seminars, and networking events, equipping students with leadership skills and industry insights. Activities include case competitions, guest speaker sessions, and company visits, fostering collaboration and innovation while preparing members for successful careers in various fields of management. Vision Empowerment through knowledge, synergy in diversity,…

Yoga Club

Yoga Club The university yoga club is responsible for promoting physical and mental well-being among students. They organize yoga sessions, workshops, and events catering to diverse skill levels. Responsibilities include managing facilities, recruiting and training staff, adhering to university policies, and fostering a supportive and inclusive community through collaboration and engagement efforts The university yoga…

Health Club

Health Club Aim “Empowering the university community to prioritize wellness, our health club fosters holistic health through engaging activities, workshops, and support networks. Join us to cultivate lifelong habits, enhance physical fitness, and nurture mental well-being in a vibrant and inclusive environment.” Mission  Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive health club within…